Sonntag, 17. November 2019

NO Signal! - Video art | Vision | Experimental |

NO Signal! 

Art Vision Intro by Ehab Aziz 

Look for that moment when the world wakes up while I sleep.

What I'm saying is not my words but are flying particles of time to connect the Signal.

A scene raised me in my mind
Kurdish woman crying and others indicating the victory sign

NO Signal ...

  • Marie Yovanovitch - Trump impeachment hearings, 8 November 2019
  • Egyptian President Sadat's & Israeli Prime Minister Begin's Remarks at the Camp David Agreement, 17 September 1978
  • Sky News - Syrians protest arrival of Turkish troops, 8 November 2019
  • TGRT Haber TV - Syrian Kurds Support Operation, 12 October 2019

ابحث عن تلك اللحظه التي يستيقظ فيها العالم حين انام

 ما اقوله ليست بكلماتي بل هي جزيئات زمنيه تتطاير لتربط الآرسال

 اثارني مشهد في ذهني
آمراه كرديه تبكي و آخري ترفع شاره النصر
ثم انقطع الارسال

Dienstag, 17. September 2019

Los Flamingos@Spektakel Landshut -Sunday 15 Sept. 2019

Spectacle Landshut
International street art festival
European Buskers Festival Germany
Los Flamingos - Acrobatics - Argentina
Show: Sunday 15 Sept. 2019
Two eccentric and weird characters present the new show "Dreams in Acapulco". Acrobatics and comedy are presented by the well-known artists Pablo and Mariano. The acrobats exaggerate in your show any action and play with the clichés Latino macho, romance and the Mexican form of wrestling. A unique show between acrobatics and comedy.

Spektakel Landshut - Impressions from the spectacle Landshut

Mittwoch, 13. März 2019

‘Egypt Remembers’ Video Installation in Pakistan

I'm glade to be apart of "AHANG" art exhabition in Karachi , Lahore and Islamabad.

Its a traveling art exhibition of 30 artists from Asia and Arab, curated by Mehreen Hashmi in Lahore , Islamabad and Karachi organized by Orbit .

1st display - (Lahore)
" Francaise de Lahore" ( 15th March , 2019)

2nd Display (Islamabad)
"Pakistan National council of the Arts" ( 18th March)

Final display ( Karachi)
" Alliance Francaise de Karachi" ( 30th March)

The retaining and reviving Egyptian identity is in my ‘Neo-Pharaonic’ iconographic style. By utilizing Egyptian heritage, I try to place current political issues within the linear trajectory of Egyptian history. The ruler and the ruled, the oppressor and the oppressed; these persistent binaries are nowhere more overt and questioned myself on my artworks. I’m still exploring the dichotomies of popular culture through the mediums of video and painting for over 30 years. My life in Egypt during a period of continuous political and cultural change, the transformation of what it means to be from ‘the East’ is a theme that runs through much of my art. My artworks depict striking juxtapositions of traditional and contemporary iconography.

Participating artists